Fall Gardening
Take Advantage of the Fall Growing Season
Most people think of gardening as a spring and summer activity, but fall offers cooler weather and the ability to grow plants that don't do well in the heat of summer. In more temperate areas, many cooler weather vegetables and herbs will survive and produce the entire winter until the heat of late spring beings to cause them to bolt.
In addition, the cooler fall days emulate those temperate days of spring, so many spring plants have a second opportunity to provide you with a fall harvest, whether from plants that made it through the summer heat and experience a regeneration or those that are started from seed in the mid- to late-summer time frame. Check with your local gardening clubs or nurseries for a list of suggested planting dates for various crops. Note if the crop is recommend to be started from a seed or as a transplant. |
Plants that are more Cold than Heat Tolerant