When we first started raising guineas, we had the original 6 birds, so we didn't need much space. However, what we didn't realize is that a single hen is quite capable of hatching clutches of more than a dozen eggs with 20-30 eggs in the clutch typical. We only had 2 hens out of our original 6 birds, but with even just two clutches a year, you can quickly see how the numbers will quickly add up.
Yes, we have had some losses, but the net-net of the situation is we needed to create additional living space for the birds. We also noticed that as the bird population grew, similar to people, the birds segregated themselves into smaller flocks and the various flocks don't get along particularly well. These personality differences resulted in the need for us to get creative in how we needed to expand their housing. Our thought process and solution the solution we used was:
2. Although the guineas are okay with being housed adjacent to each other, the older flock was not accepting of younger flock. For this reason we decided to build an additional adjacent coup as opposed to simply extending the existing coop.
1. Two separate coops,
2. Use the 2 spaces as one larger space by allowing the door to remain open if we have a larger integrated flock,
3. Or what we are doing now is allowing the older flock to go out and free-range during the day while opening the mini-door and allowing the younger flock - who does not yet have any interest in free-ranging during the day, to have additional space and new objects to explore than what is simply in their respective coop.
We incorporated a hook and eye latch so that the door remains open for as needed but can easily be flipped closed when required.